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Region 5 January Fight/Rapier Practice for January
January 21, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hosted by the Shire of Sterlynge Vayle
Royal Progress:
Noble Populace,
I hope that your New Years was wonderful and you are greeting this with renewed vigor and excitement. The path of any martial skill like any other is always an ever changing, ever adapting, and ever growing experience we all share. From the more scholarly pursuits of Arts and Science, to the Archer and Thrower, to the Rapier and Heavy. As we enter the new year with fresh resolve we should begin now to look towards our biggest event of the year Pennsic. We should hone those skills that we have worked so hard to achieve that make Æthelmearc a known and intimidating force to contend with on all fields of battle.
As such, we here in The Shire of Sterlynge Vayle have begun our prep work. And to that end on the 21st of this month at our local fight practice, from 2pm to 6pm, we will be hosting the first Muster of the year. This is not just a Heavy Muster, this is a MUSTER. So regardless of your calling bring your gear, enjoy our hospitality and for a couple hours work on your fighting, fencing, arts and science. We have class rooms available for the folks working on projects so they, like those of us in the martial specialties, can hone their skills, get input or give advice to others.
Fighters and Fencers. Bring your gear, let’s make the most of the time we have been afforded to work on this.
Next Month another Muster will be announced by another Regional Commander. And so forth and so on, and in the interim we should not let our weapons fall to disrepair. Whether it be our minds, or our blades.
To quote a passage from a book, “A Mind needs Books like a Sword needs a Whetstone.”
A FB event will be made and posted soon, but for now, from 2pm to 6pm at:
West Windsor Baptist Church, 166 N Rd, Windsor, NY 13865
I hope to see as many of you as can possibly make it, let’s not waste these opportunities.
Due to our sites policies in place, we are not allowed to take a knee in the gymnasium due to our armor possibly marring and marking the floor. However, if the weather is fair and warm enough for us we have a large field to work with outside as well.
Semper Servus,
Syr Gwydeon ap Arden
Region 5 Co-Commander