The Seven Pearls Champions
A.S. 59-60
The Baronages of Æthelmearc
AS 59
Archery Champion: Hound, Barony of Rhydderich Hael
Arts & Sciences Champion: Lord Valdis of Gotland, Barony of St. Swithin’s Bog
Bardic/Performing Arts Champion: Lord Daven MacKeannaugh, Barony of Endless Hills
Fencing Champion: Don Mark LeGabler, Barony of Endless Hills
Heavy Weapons Champion: THL Rouland of Willowbrooke, Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands
Thrown Weapons Champion: THL Meinolf Grimsson, Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands
The Seven Pearls of Æthelmearc
Barony-Marche of Debatable Lands
Baronessa Violeta de Valencia and Praetoria Aurelia Argentia Prima
Barony of Thescorre
Baron Andriú mac Domhnaill and Baroness Nuzha bint Saleem
Barony of Rhydderich Hael
Baron Magnus de Lyons and Baroness Thalia Papillon
Barony of Delftwood
Baron William fitz WIlliam and Baroness Othindisa Bykona
Barony of Blackstone Mountain
Baron Cunedda Kell and Baroness Alana Horsecroft
Barony of Endless Hills
Baron Nicolo dei Gaetani and Baroness Maggie Ille Foster
Barony of St. Swithin’s Bog
Baron Jean Pierre dit la Barbe Rousse and Baroness Caterine de Troyes