Their Royal Majesties’ Upcoming Royal Progress Events
Their Royal Highnesses’ Upcoming Royal Progress Events
Upcoming Online Activities
Upcoming Kingdom Events
College of Three Ravens
February 22 @ 9:00 am - 9:00 pmRegion 1 Muster
March 2 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm25th Anniversary of the Tournament of the White Hart
March 7 @ 5:00 pm - March 9 @ 12:00 pmGulf Wars XXXIII (Out Of Kingdom)
March 8 - March 16Bears Event XXVII
March 15 @ 9:00 am - 6:00 pmThe Donnan Party
March 22 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pmRedshield Colosseum
March 29 @ 9:30 am - March 30 @ 6:00 pmThe Passing of the Ice Dragon
April 5 @ 8:30 am - 8:00 pmSpring Coronation ALTERNATE PREFERRED Date (ANY REGION)
April 12Brewing & Bacon Bash X
April 19 @ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
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Please fill out this form.
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Please tell us.
Welcome to our Kingdom!
A Missive from Their Royal Majesties of Æthelmearc:
Dearest Populace
As our reign winds down, and we look forward to the reign of our wonderful Heirs, it is a good time to do a final thank you to you, Our people.
A King or Queen is only as good as the people who serve them. The largesse we were given, the support — when the retaining, guarding, fetching a favorite drink or grabbing things from the royalty room — neither of us can quite believe how kind and generous everyone was with time, talent and effort. Should we have known? Of course! You are Æthelmearc, and therefore extra amazing.
Speaking of time and talent, we want to thank, again, those who contributed to our clothing and to the scrolls that went out in court. We cannot tell you how many jaw dropping moments
there were when some other incredibly beautiful piece of art was revealed.
Because of this, we were able to shine. To give rings from our fingers and beautiful baskets to our fellow royals. Without you, we would not have had the success or joy we enjoyed these past months.
Thank you, Bjarki and Gabrielle
Their Majesties Æthelmearc, Murdoch and Rioghnach, as of June 23, 2024, issued a Temporary Removal from Participation for Michael Rodriguez, known in the Society for Creative Anachronisms as Michael Rodriguez. This sanction will remain in place until the Society Board of Directors has reviewed it and made a final decision on disposition.
From The Heirs of The East, Middle, Atlantia, and Æthelmearc with regard to Pennsic 52:
Unto the Known World do the Heirs of the East, the Middle, Atlantia, and Æthelmearc send greetings as we herald a New Year filled with promise, glory, and fellowship!
We turn our eyes to the jewel of our Society’s calendar, the illustrious Pennsic War. Each year, Pennsic combines the clash of arms, the harmony of song, and a vibrant array of cultures to forge our collective medieval dream. It is with great joy and anticipation that we extend our heartfelt welcome to all who would partake in this grand adventure. The preparations for this year’s Pennsic are well underway, and our hearts are set on a singular mission: to craft an experience so unforgettable that every participant will carry it forward, yearning for the return of next summer’s gathering. This year, the principles of the East and Middle Kingdoms have forged a bond of unity with each other and our noble cousins, the mighty Atlantia and our glorious host Æthelmearc. We have pledged to shape the Pennsic War’s structure, rules and events with the virtues of inclusivity and fairness in the spirit of noble competition. Our goal is to weave a tapestry of shared adventures and traditions that will stand as a testament to the enduring legacy of Pennsic.
To those who join us for the first time, we offer our welcome to a world where history and imagination merge into a living, breathing experience. May your journey into the heart of Pennsic be one of awe and inspiration, and a place where dreams of chivalry, artistry, and camaraderie come alive. For those who return, bearing the memories of past Pennsics, we eagerly await the tales you will add to this ever-growing saga. We strive to ensure that every person finds their place within this living dream, and we call upon you, the populace, to lend your voices, your ideas, and your hearts to help us shape this year’s war into the most inclusive and joyous Pennsic yet.
Prepare yourselves for days of splendor and nights of revelry. Whether you march into battle, partake in the arts, or simply bask in the ambiance of this wondrous event, know that you are part of a community that thrives together. Let us gather as one, bound by our love for history and imagination and the life we breathe into it.
Raise your banners, don your armor, and prepare your hearts, for the Pennsic War beckons. Let us step forward into this New Year courageous and united, ready to create memories that will endure for generations to come.
We call upon you to lend your voices, your ideas and your hearts.
In service and anticipation,
The Heirs of The East, The Middle, Atlantia, and Æthelmearc
From the Kingdom Seneschal,
Barún Pádraig:
Greetings Æthelmearc!
We have the Curia Regis of Bjarki and Gabrielle in the books. It does me good to see so many people turn out to discuss the Kingdom’s business. It was a long and occasionally contentious
meeting, and I am always glad to see people who are passionate about our kingdom.
Some matters of old business included the new field thrones, which are presently in Chamberlain’s possession. We also discussed the continuing progress we’re making with coming up with offices for Warlords and Pennsic Majordomo, as well as our continued efforts to correct the kingdom event rotation to include Æcademy, QRC, and all the other championships. We’re getting there.
We updated three sections of Kingdom Law, which will be updated and published soon in the official document. They clarify the rules for Kingdom Offices with three-year terms, now including Seneschal, fix a discrepancy to put our Laws in line with Corpora and Society Policy, and lastly clarify the official nature of polling orders.
For my own part I announced that I will be adding two new Seneschal Deputies; one, to document processes and procedures, the other to serve as a liaison for kingdom events and ease the process of submitting a bid.
I have it on good authority from a rather famous marmot that we have a few more weeks left in winter, but it is only a matter of time until warmer days are upon us, and I hope to see you all soon.
In Service to the Realm,
Barún Pádraig Ó Branduibh
Information from the Earl Marshal Regarding Marshal Authorizations and Marshal Warrants:
Greetings most Noble populace of the Sylvan Kingdom of Aethelmearc.
As the Summer winds down and we look forward to the cooler months, there are some changes in the works. I know ,”Oh no not changes!” These are good changes and will ease stress in the future. These changes are coming about due to continued issues with marshallet renewals and or updating authorization information. Typically, the Authorizations office and the Marshallet office are hunting for the same people from different platforms. This causes to much time looking for information, getting responses from people, and even lost cards cause time and frustration. So Mistress Amalie Reinhardt, Baroness Aemilia Soteria THL Deirdre Scot and myself got together and discussed options and processes to help everyone out.
I am happy to announce some exciting news from our Authorization Office. Our Authorization team in conjunction with our Kingdom Webminister have created and implemented an Authorization & Marshal card Portal.
What is this you say?
This portal will allow you to retrieve, print and save your authorization card to your phone or any device at any time. Any combatant and/or marshal will be able to pull this information.
Over the course of the next few weeks, all fighters and marshals will receive notification from either Baroness Aemelia Soteria or THL Deirdre Scot and receive their “fighter number”. The fighter number is a unique number assigned to each person. This number is what you will use to pull your information from the coming online database portal.
This enhancement to our Kingdom Authorization Process has resulted in some necessary changes.
- Authorization expires on the same date as your membership expires. This means there is only one date to remember. When your membership expires so does your marshal warrant and your authorization. If you are not a paid member, your authorization expires every year on your birthday.
- Your first physical card will be issued at the cost of the office, any requested duplicates can be requested for a small donation.
- There will still be a slight lag time between the time you enter the online authorization form and the amount of time it becomes available on the portal. The lag time should not be any longer than 5 days. Remember when this could be a month?
- The link to the portal will be found both on the Authorization Clerk Webpage and Kingdom Webpage no sooner than September 1, 2024. After September 1, the yellow cards will no longer be accepted by the MOL table after September 30th.. All cards should look like the below picture. (New cards have all auth forms, weapons and also all marshal forms your in)
So to sum up the pros- Auth and marshal info on one card.
- print your own cards,
- everything is tied to duration of membership to renew whether your membership is 1,2, or three years.
- you will receive a personal fighter number.
- All information will be on one database not 2.
We realize that there will be a small group of people that may need alternate assistance in obtaining the email of information. reach out to the Authorizations office for assistance.
If you have any questions please contact the authorization office directly, if you notice there are errors that need to be corrected ask politely.
Direct all complaints to me.
In Service,
Sir Ardan Scot of Clann Scot
Kingdom Earl Marshal
Kingdom Announcements
* Documents needed to be posted at all SCA functions are here:
– SCA Bullying & Harrassment Poster
* If you have any unused scroll cases in your possession, please kindly return them to the Kingdom Signet.
* There are new Event Submission and Update forms found on the Event Submission Form page.
* Information regarding the icons found in event announcements can be found in the Icon Guide.
* There is a Frequently Asked Questions page on this site. Please see if your question is listed here.
OYEZ! OYEZ! OYEZ! Greetings Merchants!
The Barony of Blackstone Mountain, in the Kindgom of Aethlemearc cordially invites you to Blackstone Raids XXI April 24-27, 2025. This is a camping event. The location is Camp Sheppard: Camp Sheppard Ln, Gandville, WV. There is NO merchant fee. however you are responsible for site fee. $30.00 non member and $25.00 for member. We ask for a donation of something valuing $25.00 to the Barony as largess to be given by the Barony. Camping is free. There are facilities available on site as well as conveniently placed porta johns. There is LIMITED inside space available. PLEASE NOTE: the area is known for wind shear and big gusts. Please be certain your merchant pavilion is in good repair and well staked with heavy stakes if you are outside. It is April in the WV mountains, so please also be aware weather can be anything from amazing at 70 and sunny to cold sleet and rain. Pack and prepare accordingly. If you are interested, Please email littlehawke 13 at gmail dot com with a subject line of BSR Merchant Inquiry. Feel free to cross post to appropriate local groups and merchants.
Thank you for your time and consideration!
In Service, Erzebet Fauconneau, OP
Autocrat and merchant coordinator
Society Announcements
Kingdom E-Newsletters
The Kingdom Newsletters portal moved locations in February 2023. Please go here to see the current newsletters.
At this time, we are awaiting a link to the past newsletters. Please stay tuned for this information.
Information on Paid Membership, from
The Signorotti Membership Assistance Fund:
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to seriously affect our members and their families. In response to suggestions from our community, the Society has set up a donation fund to support those participants who may find it difficult to continue their memberships.
Information can be found on the Society Website.
If you would like to donate to this fund, please visit this same link above and scroll down to the Donations information.
Join the Corporate Communications Team:
Please read the rest of the announcement here:
Help Wanted
Please check out all open volunteer opportunities on our Help Wanted page.
* The Kingdom Signet, Mistress Roberta McMorland, is requesting scroll blanks for Kingdom Awards. If you are able to help out, kindly let her know at
* Letters of Intent are being accepted for the position of Regional Deputy Exchequer. Any interested gentles should send letters to as soon as possible.
* Letters of Intent are being accepted for the position of College of Heralds Paypal Deputy. Any interested gentles should send letters to
* Letters of Intent are being accepted for the position of Branch Reports Deputy. Any interested gentles should send letters to
* Letters of Intent are being accepted for the Kingdom Youth Officer. Any interested gentles should send letters to if you are interested. Deadline is February 1, 2025.
* The Kingdom Webminister is seeking a Compliance Officer. Please send an email to if you are interested.
* Letters of Intent are being accepted for a deputy seneschal position for assisting with kingdom event bids, helping groups host events, and providing guidance for policy that will assist the Kingdom at large for event hosting. Please submit your letters to
* The Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshal is accepting Letters of Intent for his Deputy. Please send an email to if you are interested.
* The Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshal is accepting Letters of Intent for Deputy 4 Thrown Weapons Marshal. Please send an email to if you are interested.
* The Kingdom Minister of Lists is accepting Letters of Intent for Kingdom MoL. Please send an email to if you are interested.
* The Kingdom Silver Buccle Herald is accepting Letters of Intent for Cornelian Herald, the Deputy Submissions Herald. Please send an email to if you are interested.
* The Kingdom Silver Buccle Herald is accepting Letters of Intent for Region 1 Herald. Please send an email to if you are interested.
* The Kingdom Silver Buccle Herald is accepting Letters of Intent for Region 4 Herald. Please send an email to if you are interested.
* The Kingdom Social Media Officer is seeking deputies. Please send an email to if you are interested.
* The Kingdom Social Media Officer and Silver Buccle Herald are seeking gentles to serve as part of the Æthereal Herald team. If you are interested, please fill out this form: Æthereal Herald Warrant Form. Please send an any questions to and