Photo Credits
This is Æthelmearc
Thank you to the following photographers for
sharing their images for use on the Æ Site:
- Baroness Àine ny Allane
- Baroness Amalie Reinhardt
- Master Alaxandair O’Conchobhair
- Lady Apollonia of Heronter
- Lady Christina Mary Lowe, known as Jinx
- Lady Ginevra Isabetta Del Dolce
- Master John Michael Thorpe
(F. Page Steinhardt | Sunshadow Designs Photography) - Lady Katelynne Rose
- Lady Maddalena D’Agostino
- Baron Rhiannon Elandris of Glyndrvdwy
- THNoble Rhys Penbras ap Dafydd
- Maestra Tomasia d’Collivento
- Lady Zinoviia Ivanova
(All Images Copyrighted by Erica Holcomb and are
used with permission)
Æ has photograph grant of use releases on file
for all photographs.