Redshield Colosseum
March 29 @ 9:30 am - March 30 @ 6:00 pm
Mark your calendars! The Barony of Thescorre will be having a free, heavy fighter-focused two-day event. The site is located at the Refinery, 936 Exchange St. Rochester, NY.
The site will open at 9:30 AM and close at 6:00 PM, on both March 29th and 30th. There is no cost for entry to the event.
Heavy fighting will be held in the gym upstairs and classes will be held on the first floor of the building in Redshield Hall.
There will be no feast or day board at this event, so attendees are encouraged to pack lunch or plan to purchase a meal off-site.
For those who wish to contribute to covering the cost of the site, donations will be accepted.
Please note; this site is not completely accessible for those with mobility issues. The only way to access the gym is the stairs, though there is a ramp available for accessing Redshield Hall.
Daniel of Blackthorn (Daniel Beadle) will be the steward for this event. He can be reached at (585)747-2372 or danielbrehm494@gmail.com, or on Facebook (Daniel Charles Beadle).